The story revolves around Yuuki Kagami, a boy who enrolls in the academy of his dreams as a honors student — and is mistakenly put in the girls’ dormitory where boys are prohibited. Faced with the possibility of having to leave the school, Yuuki has to dress up as a girl in the dormitory. On top of things, he ends up rooming with the female teacher Ayana Kakinozaka, who has to watch over him.
Asa made Jugyou Chu!
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See Me After Class, 朝まで授業chu! Status: Completed Studio: GoHands Released: 2012 Duration: 29 min. Type: OVA Episodes: 1 Director: Kanazawa Hiromichi Casts: Asakura, Azumi, Mimori, Suzuko, Shimoda, Asami Released on: Updated on:
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